

Download Eatman

Type : Manga
Author(s) : YOSHITOMI Akihito
Language : English
Status in Home Country : 19 Volume [Complete]
Scanlation Status : [Complete]
Genre(s) : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-fi, Shounen
Other title : Eat-man
Manga info   : Baka-Update

Scan Group : Viz & shalone7 & others, CDMC, Heidi-Scans
Related Series : -

Summary :
Bolt Crank travels the world as the World’s Greatest Mercenary. He got that monicker due to his skills, as well as his ability to eat anything, and then reproduce it in his right hand, even though he could do it with his body. During his adventures he meets new friends, as well as his rival Hard. But, his mysterious past with a man named Leon Field comes into play later on when Shadow, a man who can control machines and calls himself Bolt Crank, and Stella, a woman who wants to mechnize every human on the planet, has Bolt going back to an old, unfinished mission he left behind long ago

Size : 25-99Mb/Volume

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